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partner, program, resource summit

Love is Action Partner, Program, Resource Summit

Love is Action Partner, Program, Resource Summit

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Monthly Love Is Action Community Initiative meetings are held on the second Friday of every month at

8 a.m. pacific / 10 a.m. central / 11 a.m. eastern


Subscribe here so that you'll be notified of the topics and guest speakers at upcoming events



Equipping The Community To Fight Those T

Ted-talk style events called EQUIPPING THE COMMUNITY provide up-to-date information and practical tips for fighting the things that harm us.


Subject matter experts on societal ills like depression, suicide, addiction, domestic violence, child abuse, human trafficking, and more talk about how to fight the issues that harm us all. 


Equipping our communities is a meaningful way to

put our love into action.


is an initiative of Successful Survivors Foundation,

a survivor led, volunteer staffed, educational 501 ( c ) 3 organization


We are supported SOLELY by donations and sales of store products. 100% of donations we receive fund our programs. We are grateful for your support.

Contact our Love Is Action National Champion, Rhonda Sciortino, at 949.689.5611 or

©2018 LOVE IS ACTION COMMUNITY INITIATIVE: a volunteer led effort of Successful Survivors Foundation.

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